Quality Management System


SAINT-GOBAIN PRIME GLASS WORKING company uses ISO 9001 certification to audited based on an extensive sample of products, services, functions and processes. In our company, the problems with the nonconformities is under control and every type of glass is according with the customer requirements.PGW company is committed to the method and the model of quality management and it is certified. We are certified by ISO 9001 which is the standard with the highest prevalence and application regarding the fulfillment of the conditions to ensure quality of goods and services that our company delivers to its customers.

Obtaining this certification represent that the Certifying Organization recognize that our quality system performs the requirements of the standard.

ISO 9001

Our working system is trying to do its best through:

  • We say what we do in our company in the Quality Manual
  • We made what we say in the processes
  • We prove that what we made, we made good through internal and external audit

ISO 9001certThe ISO 9001 certificate allows to our company to satisfy the customers necessities and their requirements with a major efficiency and efficacy, providing the rising requirements of the customers.

Our company understands that there are many advantages by having a Quality Management System certified, one of that is the increasing of the satisfaction level of the customers and help us to continually monitor and manage quality across all operation of our plant.ISO 9001logo

ISO 9001 helps our company allows to our company to became a more consistent in the marketplace, the better quality management helps us to meet the customers necessities but in the same time helps us to win more high value customers with better customer service.
