SAINT-GOBAIN PRIME GLASS WORKING company uses the international standard 18001- Health and Safety Management System which offers to us the necessary measures to control those risks in health and safety .
Through this standard we have legal obligations to Health and Safety in the work place. We use this standard because we want to became more and more efficient in managing and reducing accidents in the work place. Our company can prove through documentations to the staff, customers and suppliers that we are take health and safety seriously. This standard implements the standard requirements and a process for continual improvement for our company.
Promoting health and safety conditions in the work place and providing a comfortable working environment, maintaining a good reputation of the business aspects, those are aspects that are taken into account by our company.
Our company implements a system of occupational safety and health management which is a powerful tool for organzing and focusing our efforts in order to better control and management of occupational risks (accidents, incidents and occupational diseases) and the improvement of their professional performance.